Designed to make those small cleanup jobs even quicker, Vileda® cleaning tools include brushes, cloths, dusters, plungers, and more.
Powerfibres Pots and Pans Brush
Powerfibres Dish and Sink Brush
Powerfibres Scrub Brush With Handle
Powerfibres Scrub Brush
Gentle Scrubber
Abrasive Scrubber Brush
Powerfibres Toilet Brush and Caddy
Powerfibres Deluxe Toilet Brush and Caddy
Powerfibres Enclosed Toilet Set
Actifibre Cloth
Microfibre All-Purpose Cloths
Microfibre Dust Cloth
Microfibre Bathroom Cloth
Plunger Power+
Handle Holder
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H2prO Flat Mop SystemMopsFlex & Catch DusterMop RefillsFloor Cleaning PACSBroomsSponges, Dishwands & GlovesOther ToolsBlog
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